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Camel Trophy Adventure watch collection

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This site has been set up to support my hobby of collecting Camel trophy Adventure watches. (136 series and before)

Watches from collection

History of the Camel Trophy Adventure Watches.

1986 Design of the Camel Trophy adventure watches began.

1988/9 First "main stream" watches came onto the open market being sold in mid range watches

The "Camel Trophy Adventure Watch" Officially debuted in Germany February 1991

The Camel Trophy watch range seemed to vary slightly from country to county.

The design/manufacture of these watches is very unclear, but seems to point towards Italy and/or France (Sector watches, Italy and EFA France)

The distribution of the watches varied from market to market being sold from cheap to standard watch makers, high class tobacconists, retail outlets and even mail order.

RJR (R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company USA) was always the Camel trademark owner during this period

The price of the watches was in (+/- 1991) the middle to low range with the Multichrono costing between DM 350- 460. The Superchrono was priced at around DM 625 (and up) the cheaper Green belt range was around DM 220. The team Professional LE cost DM 900-1000

The Camel watch was made to appeal to young males, the logo was essential so as to depict young tough/rugged male and adventure linking to the Camel brand of cigarettes. They were not really to attack the big watch makers more a well made fashion accessory.

Although the sales strategy of the Camel Trophy watches was inconsistent throughout Europe the watches managed to set a solid impression, especially in Italy in terms of turn over (Italy invested 8 Mio DM into advertising the watches during 1989/1990). In 1994 the Camel Trophy watches were the 6th best selling watch in Spain.

The Swiss watch giant Mondaine took over all licensing rights for Camel Trophy Adventure Watches in 1993. After this time the "Camel watches" the 136 series carried on, but new series introduced. Most of the new series used Swiss licensed movements e.g.: ETA, RONDA, ISA.

In February 1999 Worldwide Brands Inc. decided the image of the Camel Trophy was no longer compatible with their targeted consumer group and cancelled their sponsoring. So after 18 years the Camel Trophy was Finished, and the Camel Trophy watch stopped production.

The Camel Trophy licence went to Japan and was changed to Camel Active.

If you have a Camel trophy that you would like to sell please contact me, I will offer you a fair price for any old type CT watches

*I give no guarantee for this information as most of it comes from the internet, but I have no reason to believe it is wrong. If you have more accurate information PLEASE let me know.

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