1980 - Transamazonica (Camel Trophy Photo Book)
1980 a 1985 (Andreas Bender)
1982 - Papua New Guinea (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1983 - Zaire
1985 - Borneo
1985 - Borneo (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1986 – Australia (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1987 - International Selections, UK - 1987/Janeiro (Toshiharu Urabe)
1987 - Madagascar
1987 - Madagascar - 1987/Março (Toshiharu Urabe)
1989 - International Selections, Ilhas Canárias - 1989/Março (Toshiharu Urabe)
1989 - The Amazon
1989 - The Amazon - 1989/Abril (Toshiharu Urabe)
1990 - Baikal-USSR (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1990 - Baikal-USSR (Nikolay Vinogradov)
1990 - Baikal-USSR - 1990/Junho (Toshiharu Urabe)
1990 - International Selections, França - 1990/Março (Toshiharu Urabe)
1990 - International Selections, France (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1991 - German National Selections (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1991 - International Selections, Eastnor Castle (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1991 - Tanzania/Burundi - 1991/Maio (Toshiharu Urabe)
1992 - Guyana (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1992 - Guyana - 1992/Maio (Toshiharu Urabe)
1992 - International Selections (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1993 - German National Selections, Marrocos (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1993 - German National Selections, Senegal (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1993 - International Selections, UK - 1993/Fevereiro (Toshiharu Urabe)
1993 - Sabah-Malaysia
1993 - Sabah-Malaysia (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1993 - Sabah-Malaysia (Paul Si)
1993 - Sabah-Malaysia (Wolfram Ettgen)
1994 - Argentina/Paraguay/Chile
1994 - Argentina/Paraguay/Chile (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1994 - Argentina/Paraguay/Chile (Marek Patzer)
1995 - German National Selections, Jordânia (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1995 - German National Selections, Jordânia - Dirk Erker (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1995 - International Selections, Turquia (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1995 - Mundo Maya
1995 - Mundo Maya (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1995 - Mundo Maya (Paul Leslie-Smith)
1996 - German National Selections, África do Sul (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1996 - Kalimantan
1996 - Kalimantan (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1997 - International Selections (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1997 - Mongolia
1997 - Mongolia (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1997 - Romania National Selections, Marrocos (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1998 - International Selections, Suécia - 1998/Abril (Toshiharu Urabe)
1998 - Tierra Del Fuego (Alexandre Coutinho)
1998 - Tierra Del Fuego (Camel Trophy Club & Team Russia)
1998 - Tierra Del Fuego (Camel Trophy History Club Germany)
1998 - Tierra Del Fuego - CD oficial (Alexandre Coutinho)
1998 - Tierra Del Fuego - Provas de selecção PT
2000 - Tonga/Samoa
2000 - Tonga/Samoa (Lisa Nordlind)
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1990 - Baikal-USSR - 1990/Junho (Toshiharu Urabe)
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