Museu Camel Trophy – Holanda (2009)

O Museu Camel Trophy da Holanda tem data de inauguração marcada para o 1º fim-de-semana de Abril de 2009, dias 4 e 5. O Clube Camel Trophy Enthusiasts associa-se a este evento e convida todos os interessados pelas aventuras CT a estarem presentes. Serão mostradas diversas peças relacionadas com o Camel Trophy, bem como veículos que participaram nas edições CT, ao longo dos anos.

Tudo começou com uma colecção pessoal de um dos membros do CTE, que foi crescendo ao longo dos anos. Muitas peças relacionadas com o Camel Trophy poderão ser vistas no Museu. Algumas foram comercializados ao público, como material publicitário. Outras foram mesmo utilizadas pelos participantes ou equipas de apoio, nas edições do Camel Trophy. É, sem dúvida, um evento a não perder! Assim, divulgamos o convite oficial para esta inauguração.

Camel Trophy Enthusiasts

To the opening weekend of the Dutch Camel Trophy Museum

What started as a few enthusiasts, has evolved over the years in the Dutch Camel Trophy Enthusiasts club. Now 22 members, 12 original Trophy vehicles, several replica’s and more under construction, a website, and a huge collection of Camel Trophy related items under the members. So you can imagine we are proud and excited that one of the members has decided to start a real Camel Trophy museum!! The vehicles and assets will be stored and displayed. If anyone has CAMEL items they want to donate to the museum, we will welcome that of course! You can monitor the progress on our website.

! ! In the weekend of 4-5 april 2009, the museum will be opened ! !

Initiators and owners Mark and Angelique would like to invite all Camel Trophy enthusiasts to attend the opening, with as many Trophy vehicles as possible of course. Also Trophy ex-participants, camera teams, support staff etc are invited. Feel free to forward this invitation if you also have contact details of interested enthusiasts / ex participants etc. We already have entries from Portugal and Belgium. You can park + camp in the garden or book the hotel on walking distance. We must ask you to confirm and deliberate your attendance, so we know a little bit what to expect!


Arrival as of Friday April 3
Saturday 4; breakfast together (supplied), Trophy-spirit 4×4 driving in the early afternoon, all day sneak preview of the museum, evening grand official opening of the museum, BBQ and party (a few beers maybe).
Sunday 5; breakfast together (supplied), museum, exchange experience, relax
You can stay until Monday 6


Limited free camping space in the surrounding grassland (confirm attendance), toilet shower and lavatory available, shops nearby, reasonably priced hotel on walking distance ( nearest airport Eindhoven (35Min) Schiphol (1.2H) Brussels (1H)
Please confirm and deliberate your attendance:
Address: Bosscheweg 2a, 5056 PP, Berkel-Enschot, Netherlands, mob +31(0)611 280 598
GPS: N51° 35’ 01.85” E5° 09’ 19.15” You need to take a little detour to get on the parallel road. Please DO NOT get us in trouble by crossing the highway and its shoulders!!
 General info and detailed route description: and

We hope we may welcome you in great numbers!

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